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Lessons From Animals--"Presence"

"You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand."
Psalm 16:11


It's a new day for me and the cats--we've settled into our new home. There are pros and cons from the cats' perspective: on the one hand, they now have full reign of the house; on the other hand, I live on the top floor of a three-story building--which means no wandering outside. I do, however, have a balcony, so they can at least stand outside and breathe the outside air.

The cats are also no longer competing for my attention-there are no longer any dogs in the house. They take advantage of this as best they can: for example, they have finally reclaimed the bed! If I'm on the couch, they are quick to come and get cozy. If I'm working on the computer, they'll at least walk by, rubbing up against my leg. Ideally, my lap--and my attention--is their goal. More than anything, they just want to snuggle. Depending on what I'm doing, sometimes I give in--you'd be surprised what a blessing it is to snuggle! Other times, though, I have to concentrate on my work.

I just love sleeping on my Daddy's clothes!Oddly enough, they've created a contingency plan to such times--they cuddle up with some piece of clothing I've worn. Sneezy, for some bizarre reason, has claimed my backpack. He gets in among the straps and lies down. Squawker is less particular--almost anything will do. He's especially fond of curling up with my sandals (and no, it doesn't look comfortable at all!), but he'll settle for a piece of clothing lying on the bed, or even the laundry hamper. I guess they've decided that if they can't be sitting right there on my lap, they'll settle for my presence.

Interesting! Imagine if we yearned the same way for the Lord's presence. How enriched would our lives be? If we took advantage of everything available to us--reading Scripture, praying, worshiping--what would our lives begin to transform into?

Two sisters once had Jesus over to the home for a meal. One sister, Martha, was "distracted by all the preparations that had to be made" (Luke 10:40). Her sister Mary, however, wasn't helping at all--she was sitting at Jesus' feet, listening! When Mary complains, Jesus gives this response in Luke 10:41 - 42--"Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." Martha had Jesus Christ in her home--yet chose to go into another room! Granted, she was trying to serve Jesus, as a proper hostess. But Mary wanted the presence. She wanted to sit at the Lord's feet, and take everything she could get.

How often do you long to be in the presence of God? During lonely nights of the soul, do you say, "No--I won't settle for anything less than the Lord's presence." Perhaps it's something to think about.


In Christ,


--Pastor Dan


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Last modified date: January 1, 2018